New Website Launched

It has taken us a long time but we have finally launched our new website.

Designed to be device friendly (especially mobiles) we hope you find the site a lot easier. 

The old site was creaking behind the scenes and took a lot of time and effort to keep it up and running, now we have the capacity to go forward and improve the site to make it even better for you.  Don't worry the old site is still available as a source of archive material whilst we migrate the nearly 20 years of content (someone has a big task there!) so you will find some links to the old site, however nothing new will be added to the site.

The new site is built on new modern technology and a powerful CMS developed by Chris Frankum - this enables us to add exciting features as we go forward.

Sit back and enjoy the new journey with us here at Autospeed.

Kids Go Free
