Remembering Rog 95 Trophy 2020

The 2020 staging of the Remembering Rog 95 Trophy meeting will take place at St Day on Sunday 29 March.

As previously, the day will be backed by a communal group of sponsors, the majority of whom supported the event since its very first staging in 2011.

Additionally, further friends of Rog have contributed more financial backing for the meeting.  Accordingly, for the fourth season in succession, there will be a Double Prize Money feature final - a move which began in 2017, when 38 Dave Polley landed the iconic steering wheel trophy (see below).

There will be a commemorative award for all drivers who take part in the meeting, and a brand new tyre for the Best White, Best Yellow, Best Blue and Best Star grade driver, making this another highly lucrative race meeting in Cornwall.
Remembering Rog 2017

Kids Go Free
