Monday 30th August 2021

August Bank Holiday Monday brought a day with a difference to Smeatharpe, with a fun-filled afternoon in the late summer sunshine.

Saloon Stock Cars

After a brutal meeting the previous afternoon at St Day, the Saloon Stock Cars had a lot to live up to.  An uplift in numbers suggested another fine showing was on the cards, and that is very much how the meeting played out.  Admirable overnight work by many had seen repairs effected, following the heavy damage sustained in Cornwall.  Heat one began with a spin for 677 Warren Darby, but he was handed a lifeline when the race was suspended after 81 Jason Kingwell and 447 Adam Hicks had ground to a halt.  Darby had been lapped at that point, but under the ‘pure top six’ rule for restarts, he was permitted to unlap himself and resume his position at the rear of the field.  As the race developed, 364 Nathan Olden and 902 Junior Buster disputed the lead, but another caution period was called when 10 Frank Little Jnr lost his bonnet.  That set up a fascinating finale, as 277 Jack Grandon joined the squabble with Olden and Buster.  It appeared as though Buster had edged clear, but Grandon had other ideas on the last lap.  Grandon fired into the last bend, but when he connected with Junior Buster, they both spun, and Darby completed his remarkable surge up the order by helping to shift Olden wide too.  Darby avoided the chaos and grabbed the most unlikely of victories, from 399 Cole Atkins and Olden, whilst Buster crossed the line in reverse to secure fourth.  There was another stunning climax to heat two.  Little Jnr had led for much of the race until passed by 561 Aaron Totham and Olden.  It was then Olden who got ahead, but Totham launched a last bend attack.  Olden spun, Totham went wide, and only just held on to win from 672 Simon Paris by less than half a car’s length.  The final began in chaotic fashion as the cavalry charge into the west bend bounced a marker tyre on to the track.  Red flags led to a complete re-run, and 28 Ian Govier was fortunate to not be disqualified when he overtook countless cars under red flag conditions to park up in pole position within his grade.  Govier was subsequently sent to the rear of the yellow grade before the race begun, with Little Jnr opening up a lead from Kingwell and 799 Phil Powell.  Darby was spun by Govier as they clashed again, and Little Jnr spun out of contention as the lead group were joined by Junior Buster and Totham.  However, the track surface had begun to get very slippery and as the cars struggled for grip, Kingwell relentlessly kept forging ahead at the front.  Darby caught up with Govier, but his attempts to spin him rebounded, and Darby was bounced across the start line and on to the infield where he ran into the parked 710 Connor Stone.  Kingwell refused to be caught at the front, and he went on to win from Junior Buster and Totham.  Post-race, Kingwell revealed that his father had declared he would get a Saloon Stock Car for him, if he were to win the final – so it looks like the westcountry ranks may be about to be boosted once more.

2 Litre Bangers

A modest entry of drivers contested two Old Skool races at the start of the meeting.  In a most untidy start to the opening race, 671 Callum Hawker was inadvertently clouted in the driver’s door, and that ended his day early.  190 Steve Bailey charged through to win the re-run, ahead of 133 Terry Hill and 838 Jamie Peters.  There was another lively start to the second race, as 172 Kyran Rimmington was spun around and 648 Jamie Smith took an early lead.  Bailey and Hill came storming up the order, with Bailey turfing 278 Shaun Brokenshire aside on the back straight.  Hill got clear of Bailey, but could not reel in Smith.  The only noteworthy aspect of the final was that the top three finishers at the end of an incident-free race, Bailey, Peters and Hill, each generously gave away their trophies to happy young members of the crowd.  Bailey won again in the Allcomers to conclude an uninspiring day for the 2 Litres.

Back 2 Basics Micro Bangers

First up for the small cars was the Micro Banger Triples race, which attracted five trios.  At varying points through the race, each triple encountered problems or issues – rarely of their own making, but by the time the flag fell, 246 Ryan Sparks, 269 Joe Brooks and 202 Matt Butlin had taken command, and after the lap of honour it took a lot of persuasion for Butlin to part company with the chequered flag he had clearly become most attached to.  The first individual race was absolute mayhem.  After 21 Tommy Parkhouse had got in the lead, he looked to be in control, but as the lap boards appeared, he got caught up and the lead briefly passed to 222 Ricky Walters.  He was overhauled by 211 Adrian Coles, who stayed sufficiently clear of 912 Simon Rees to take the win.  The next race began with 196 Phil Chapman and 118 Simon Avis duelling for first place.  Earlier race winner Coles was sent careering over the infield on the home straight.  Chapman broke free at the front and proceeded to win from Rees, who was again chuffed with his second place.  The Destruction Derby was well subscribed, with cars littered all around the circuit at the start.  Lots of crashing ensued, including a thumping head-on between 27 Shaine Barton and 275 Liam Best, which resulted in the Barton car catching alight with a flash fire under the bonnet.  Once extinguished, the remaining few cars limped to a conclusion, and a dead heat was called between Avis and 90 Blake Small to round out a most entertaining afternoon.


Saloon Stock Cars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 677 399 364 902 84 672 199 489 799 33
Heat 2 561 672 677 364 902 350 28 10 84 199
Final 81 902 561 199 399 364 677 799 444 84
2L Old Skool Bangers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 190 133 838 648 278 714 264 458 172 nof
Heat 2 648 133 190 280 278 264 714 458 nof
Final 190 838 133 648 278 714 280 264 nof
Allcomers 190 838 133 648 278 280 nof
B2B Micro Bangers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Triples 246/269/202 333/332/912 218/272/449 205/88/126 nof
Allcomers 1 211 912 196 222 449 275 301 729 333 232
Allcomers 2 196 912 151 21 275 246 301 205 222 386
King of Crash/DD 118/90